Press Releases for wood burning stoves

  • 849

    Don’t Waste the Warmth from a Wood Fire!

    A wood fire is a cost effective and environmentally friendly way of warming your house but with an open fire most of the heat escapes up the chimney. The solution is to use a properly designed wood burning stove.

    By : | 03-23-2012 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 849

  • 861

    Esarca Importers & Distributors Announces 1st Dealer in Ontario to Carry the Fajardo Wood Stoves

    ESARCA Importers & Distributors Inc. the Official Distributor of the Top European Manufacturer of Contemporary Wood Burning Stoves is pleased to announce today the first dealer to carry the popular & most demanding wood stove line from Europe, Estufas Fajardo of Spain.

    By : | 02-02-2012 | Environment:Alternative Energy | Total Views : 861